
5 Working Mom Tips for Achieving Goals to create Work Life Balance

5 Working Mom Tips for Achieving Goals to create Work Life Balance Identifying and achieving goals is a powerful way to improve life, but working moms often believe they are too busy to accomplish this. This can lead to some devastating results if moms are ignoring a goal that is critical to happiness.

Many busy working mothers do such a good job in so many areas -- developing a successful career, raising talented children, maintaining a happy marriage -- that no one seems to notice when they are faltering in another important area -- like their health, their job satisfaction or their creative outlet.

This happened to me when everyone thought I had it all together but didn’t realize my overly cluttered house had become so dysfunctional it was affecting my relationships and peace of mind. Though I realized it was a problem, I thought I was too busy as a parent and professional to find the time to achieve my goal and get rid of the clutter. After I recognized the negative impact the problem was having on all members of my family, I finally promised myself it was worth diverting some attention away from career and kids and other priorities to focus on this ONE GOAL. I was successful in achieving my dream of moving to a house with a basement by following a series of steps that I created after listening to numerous audiobooks on motivation, organization and determination.

Since then, I have given talks at various events describing my ONE GOAL strategy to help others define an area of their life that they are neglecting and come up with a plan to resolve the issue. I am sharing a snippet of my latest presentation describing the FOUR KEY CATEGORIES in life in the hopes of helping you.

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If you want to learn about the six critical areas in each of the FOUR KEY CATEGORIES, check out the video of my presentation where I help audience members identify a problematic area before it gets to the point of affecting themselves or their loved ones adversely.

My system helps you REVEAL the one area that is truly weighing on your mind, even if you’ve been pushing it to the back of your mind for a long time.

After you identify the area that needs attention, you can take the ONE GOAL approach to fix it. Even if your life is already overwhelmingly busy, my formula helps you shift your focus away from other areas in life without ignoring them completely.

First, you must determine a specific outcome to solve your issue, and write it down. For instance, if you’ve been in denial that your weight is a problem, your specific outcome could be to lose 20 pounds. The act of putting your goal in writing is a critical step. Next, it’s best if you share your goal with others. It keeps you accountable. Then, to achieve your ONE GOAL, it should be the first thing you think about when you open your eyes every morning. To stay motivated, you must take at least one meaningful step towards your goal EVERY SINGLE DAY. For instance, if you are trying to lose weight, each day you can add another tactic to your efforts -- from keeping a food journal and tracking calories to taking the stairs and eliminating pop. Finally, it’s important to never give up, even if you skip a day or get sidetracked or it takes much longer than expected to reach your goals.

The struggle to juggle will always be there, but if you know you have control enough to change what’s wrong or missing, your glass is suddenly half full instead of half empty -- and that will bring fulfillment to your life.

If you have questions or topics to suggest as I interview a new group of working moms each week, share them in the comments.

-- Diane Moca

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Achieving goals,Achieving your dreams,Work life balance,Successful working moms,Busy working mom hacks,Busy working mothers,Working mom time management,Reach my goal,I can reach my dreams,Working moms,Achieve my goals,How can I reach my goal,Busy working mom,Achieving your goals,Achieve your dreams,Achieve my dreams,Reaching my goals,Reaching your dreams,

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