This luxurious cream blends an intense concentration of active ingredients & natural extracts which work to strengthen & repair the skin. EFA's (plant derived omega 3,6 & 9) are essential to good health. internally and externally. NOW Nutra-Lift® brings you Natural & Organic Skin Care with Essential Fatty Acids. They're called essential fatty acids (EFA) for a reason - your body needs them! And it doesn't make EFAs on its own; you only get them from the foods you eat. The thickness of skin, the bounce, the fullness we see in youth has a lot to do with EFA's. Linoleic acid and Alpha Linoleic acid - known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) - have been overlooked externally (and internally) as an answer to increasing skin thickness in thin, fragile, ageing, sun & climate damaged skin. EFAs are essential constituents of skin cell membranes. When, in time, skin loses EFAs, skin can become crepe-paper thin. For cell membranes, we have developed a plant-derived complex of 10 oils rich in the Linoleic acids and supported by elements that help create a fuller, smoother look and feel to thin skin on face and hands. These polyunsaturated fats also help produce the skin's natural oil barrier, critical in keeping skin hydrated, plumper, and younger looking.
If you're not getting enough EFAs in your diet, your skin may be dry, inflamed, and prone to whiteheads and blackheads. Yet there's more to essential fatty acids than just plumper skin. EFAs can be real skincare powerhouses. Research suggests that they may not only reduce sun sensitivity in those with photo-dermatitis, they may also diminish the inflammation associated with acne. Other studies found that psoriasis treatment that included medication and EFA supplementation was more successful than treatment with medication alone.
These Lipid supporting ingredients work to improve the health of the skin by decreasing cell destruction and reducing the depth of fine lines, wrinkles and skin creases associated with ageing. By using 10 organic oils, not only do you receive the benefits of EFA's, but you also receive a plentitude of complex plant-derived phytonutrients for even more anti-ageing. The skins absorption ratio is optimized as this complex formula simulates the skins lipid content, ultimately allowing the skin to increase its intake of hydration. The dye-free and synthetic fragrance-free formula boast a smooth, lustrous texture that immediately absorbs into the skin. Once massaged in, dry, parched skin is instantly re-textured and hydrated, promoting skin cells to naturally regenerate & combat the ageing process. Great for normal skin, even better for mature skin and Extra Dry, Thin, Delicate or Damaged Skin.
Nature's Lift® has been re-branded to Nutra-Lift®. Still the same product, all the way from the USA to SA.
Nutra-Lift® Herbal NonSoap Face Cleanser (118 ml)
Contains the same herbal extracts and vitamins as Nature’s Lift® One Step. Plus, Hyaluronic Acid, and Vitamin C for extra nutrition. Works well with all skin types. It is a cleanser, a mask, a toner and a Make-Up remover all in one. Leaves no film (important so skin treatments can be absorbed) on the skin. Non-Detergent natural foaming agent made from wheat germ in a gel formula.
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