
Starving Triplets Needed Urgent Help - To be moved from that place

Starving Triplets Needed Urgent Help - To be moved from that place For Amela it was the mother who ran away from a child who was discovered to have cerebral palsy. For the triplets, it was the father running away from a very pregnant woman. The triplets are a month old in the video and the guy is nowhere to be seen. We met at the palliative care center in Mbale and I was shocked to learn that they had been discharged without even letting me know as their prospective sponsor. I don't want to judge anyone, but discharging a mother with kids like that is evil; it is WICKED! Shame on that facility for releasing Anna Mary with those angels, without any regards to their future or any plans for them whatsoever. Anna Mary had been depressed from the look of things. When we arrived she seemed so confused, she couldn't even tell who among her triplets was the first one to come out. She was even confused about their names. At a tender age of twenty seven she already had her first born girl and named her Favor, and now the triplets followed. With her four daughters and without a man to help her, she needed to get out of that place. We made enquries about a possible exit, and talked to her sister in Jinja, who had been intending to come for them. With her node we provided Anna Mary with bus ticket to leave with her babies the following morning. It was hard for her to fathom the fact that we had gone there to rescue her. We plan to follow up with her in Jinja, at her sister's place. We must help them, or else, they won't make it. You can join us on this journey. We can rescue the lives of those triplets - they're so beautiful!
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