
The Maastricht Debate 2019 - Who will be the next President of the European Commission?

The Maastricht Debate 2019 - Who will be the next President of the European Commission? The Maastricht Debate 2019 took place on April 29 with the lead candidates of the European political parties for the role of European Commission President.

The debate focused on the concerns of students and young people across Europe, many of whom will be voting for the first time during the 2019 European elections

Audio options:
-- 35-minute highlights:
-- Full-length:

Spitzenkandidaten that participated in the 2019 edition of The Maastricht Debate:

• Bas Eickhout for the European Green Party
• Frans Timmermans for the Party of European Socialists
• Violeta Tomić for the Party of the European Left
• Guy Verhofstadt for the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
• Jan Zahradil for the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe

The moderators for the debate were:

Ryan Heath, political editor at POLITICO
Rianne Letschert, rector at Maastricht University

The Maastricht Debate 2019 was jointly organized by three partners from Maastricht: Working on Europe – Maastricht University, the City of Maastricht and the Province of Limburg – as well as the European Youth Forum and the European Journalism Centre.
On this occasion, the organizers invited POLITICO, the leading European publication for EU influencers, to ensure an extensive reach to the widest possible audience.

Election,European Election,Maastricht Europe,Debate,Spitzenkandidat,Presidential,Union européenne,European Union,Europa,Live,Europeese Unie,Europäische Union,President,Youth,Young,Jeune,Jugend,Jung,Unione europea,Frans Timmermans,Violeta Tomic,Guy Verhofstadt,Bas Eickhout,Jan Zarahdil,EPP,S&D,ECR,ALDE,GUE,Climate,Socialists,Socialiste,Conservative,Droite,Gauche,Nationalisme,Nationalism,Left wing,Demokratische,Démocratique,Democratic,

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