
Aesthetic Focus - Novice OHP - Accessories (Q&A)

Aesthetic Focus - Novice OHP - Accessories (Q&A) Jeff Nippard Collab:
0:29 Can I build big triceps with high volume high frequency bodyweight tricep extensions? Don't they stretch and build the long head?
1:24 Could increasing my JM press increase my bench automatically?
1:57 How do I setup OHP specialist 3x a week with volume/intensity days? I've been doing intensity every workout, and I feel like I've hit a wall. Please help!
2:55 Ppl are making fun of me in the gym when I do behind the back deadlift and also the private trainers are arguing with me as well. How would you approach the ppl and private trainers if you were in my situation?
4:32 You ever get into fingerboard or sledge hammer (wrist/forearm) work? I remember you were on eagle loops for a bit (curious on that progress too).
6:03 Hey Alex. I was wondering if you could give some insight into your novice program. My girlfriend and i just started working out and she was wondering if she could do the same program. Her goal is to gain muscle and endurance. She's a fairly petite girl 5 foot 1 and 108 lbs of skin and bone.
7:13 What do you think about fasting on off days? Do you think it would impede recovery or enhance it?Maybe it’s like Omad ( less energy on the stomach digesting food and more energy on healing the body).
8:58 Do you recommend increasing volume before weight for your novice program? For example going from squatting 160 for 3x5 to squatting 160 at 5x5 the next workout and increasing the weight to 165 for 3x5 the workout after that. Appreciate everything you’re doing man thank you.
10:18 Hey Alex, while doing the behind the back deadlift i tend to get stuck with the barbell at my hamstring, (especially when i wear shorts) i cannot properly lock out, strength is not the problem here. How can I improve form to prevent this from happening?
12:06 Yo alpha, I'm a novice lifter. Should I only focus on strength for now and aesthetics later?
13:05 Would you consider a Glute Bridge or Hip Thrust a useful accessory movement for Squats and Deadlifts? Thanks
13:59 Alex, I’m torso dominant , so what you think about tuck ring rows ( or ring rows in general) and front lever negatives ,besides the pull ups and chins, which I do mostly on rings weighted, to correct the torso dominance?
14:52 Hi Alex. I'm a 72 kg male. My strict ohp is about 50-52 kilos, but I find it very hard to make linear gains like I did getting it to this point. Surely I haven't reached the intermediate stage yet? What would you recommend to make progress? Thanks
16:06 Hey Alex.. my inner chest seems to be lagging compare to outer chest. I know there is nothing known as inner chest. There is only pec major nd minor.. but practically.. it looks my outer chest mass increases faster compare to inner. What can I do? doing more flys will help?
17:49 Yo Alex would it be fine to add accessory lifts such as barbell curls in a 5×5 routine? If so, how many sets and reps?
19:24 If my goal is to build strength,should i do other reps ranges than 1-6 reps? Love your videos keep up the good work πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺ🏾
20:39 Have you thought about making the transition to strongman type of training?
21:53 Thoughts on doing weighted pullups with bands to add more resistance? How would this carry over to regular weighted pullups?
22:38 Alex don’t you feel Cleans can be just as effective for building traps as rack pull above the knees? I get sore when i do cleans if i have not done them for a long time. Also when i try do rack pulls i have trouble with the grip and the straps hurt my hands.
24:05 Hey Alex, just started your novice programme, what numbers would you class as hitting the intermediate stage on weighted chins?


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Disclaimer: AlphaDestiny is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. AlphaDestiny will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

BIG TRICEPS,bodyweight extension,jm press,OHP specialist,hack deadlift,sledgehammer,forearms,novice program,fasting off days,high volume,glute bridge,hip thrust,torso dominant,biceps,linear gains,inner chest,accessories,bodybuilding,strength training,strongman,low reps,weighted pullup,cleans,rack pulls,

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