
Gayatri Mantra: The Protector of Panch-Pranas || सर्व देवता स्वरूपिणी, देवी गायत्री by Raising Rudra

Gayatri Mantra: The Protector of Panch-Pranas || सर्व देवता स्वरूपिणी, देवी गायत्री by Raising Rudra

#Gayatri: The #Protector of #Prana.

#Devi Gayatri or The #Veda-Mata, is the personification of all the sound waves in the entire Cosmos, which are generated through the #Gayatri #Mantra, mentioned in the 3rd #Mandala of 62nd #Sukta's 10th #Shloka in the #Rig-Veda.

Designed in the Gayatri #Chhanda, Gayatri Mantra, when chanted mentally or vocally, accentuates the various #glands or #knots in the #energy #channels of #Human #Body. The harmones secreted through these glands, with the help of their involved energies, cause the #Physical, #Mental and #Spiritual #Enlightenment of Human Body.

The Mantra was designed by the Warrior turned Rishi, Brahma-Rishi #Vishwamitra for the #evolvement of #Mankind.

The 24 syllables of Mantra correspond to the 24 components of Creation and the 24,000 Shlokas of #Bharatiya #Scripture #Ramayana.

Written in Gayatri Chhanda, this #Vedic #Verse has the Power of #Mantra and the Power of #Prayer for Evoking the #Lord #Sun.

The #chanting or #meditation upon this Mantra protects The #Prana in all the planes of Human Existence and directs Our #Intellect beyond.

Generating 1 Lakh and 10 thousand #sound #waves per second, this Mantra establishes Sound as the primordial cause of Creation.
Thus, the ability to speak given to the Man is the very cause of Our Mental Existence and to identify Our Self with the Cosmic Sound, #ShivaNada ॐ, is the sole end of our #Life #Journey.


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