
Michael Alive 2019!!I chose death for life! New MJ! To be continued..

Michael Alive 2019!!I chose death for life! New MJ! To be continued.. Hi Friends!!!✌️✌️✌️

Who's laughing?

I hope you are!

And I'm not dead!

But I would not leave you!

..on missing me..

Listen the song message..

These things are all..

for you to be believe me!

I chose death for life!

I've always dreamed of the most important show in the world!!!

My desires and ambitions shifted through time, my professional interests, hobbies, religious and political views, all that changed so much in my life that I’m a strange to my past self.

Other than feeling well and happy, almost everything that I do and wish now are different than what I thought I would be doing and wanting 10 years ago.

But one thing stands still, the need for success, and by success I do not mean being famous or having high reputation, though recognition is good and makes you feel great, but the act of doing something good enough.

I can’t stand when whatever I do is just not good enough, below average or something like that.

Oh yes I am. This looks very awkward, I sometimes feel that I do not belong here. It’s like I am stuck. The people around me cannot really understand my situation. But sometimes I feel I want to run away from everything and everyone. I cannot even explain what’s going on in my mind sometimes and it is so frustrating.

Well, there are many things people need to learn. But the most important thing to learn is - to survive. There are days when we just don’t feel like doing anything, there are days when we doubt our own abilities and dreams. And it’s okay. It’s completely okay. If you are on the path of your growth, you mess up sometimes. You make mistakes and then you learn from them. And that’s how you experience life.

I want to share something that I had written a long time ago-

It is not the matter of life or death, it is just the matter of survival. Survival through thick and thin. Survival through pain and happiness. Survival through life !

Absolutely yes. To love and to be loved is a great feeling. According to me, self-love is very important. No one can deem you or make you feel less, if you love yourself. If you are your biggest fan and love everything you have, everything becomes so easy. Accept yourself completely, including your chubby tummy, short height and insane nature. Accept that you have flaws and you still love it and embrace it.

As a child, I used to imitate everyone a lot because I wanted to be best. But you become best when you accept yourself, willing to adjust according to the circumstances and know your flaws and still love yourself.

Today, the one person who can love me the most is ME. I feel so comfortable in my own skin and I am proud of myself because this is the best version of me. I feel free and I am just loving it.

Not just personally but self-love is also important socially. If you know yourself better, you can know others better. You understand people better and the whole “judging someone” goes away. You become more gregarious and accepting. You learn to accept people the way they are without expecting them to change according to you.

It obviously take great courage but I swear it is worth a try.

People undervalue what they possess , often in the form form of merits and capabilities. Often enough , they are also seem to neglect the most precious things that keeps them going.

I will be the tell-tale. Hear me. Beyond the streches of the Alden Jungle lived John. He was a renowned wood-cutter and wood craftsman. His success was so very known but none knew how he was that successful.

In the event of time ,his mother passed away. His wondrous crafts seemed to disappear. He was always captivated by the fear of his misdeeds . He never took care of her mother who gave him a life so significant. He repented but he knew that was not going to help him. This brought a sad end to the story of John . He failed to value all that he had and later had to set on tears.

A child is taught to run after success. He eventually becomes a man running after his ‘dream' . He fails to value the things that makes him what he is just because that does not come under the definition of running after a good life.

There's a simple indication — what is unpredictable, is often inevitable.

Logically you would say death , obviously is inevitable but is it? There are millions of things which are happening , has happened, will happen but you were, are and will be unaware about them. We give death a typical horrifying look which makes us wonder more about afterlife, the reaper and all but amidst all these uncertainties, we forget to give priority to the certainties. Our life is certain. We have some time to live. Look how we neglect our life and look down everyday as a new struggle. It makes it dull. There can be a way which makes it more enjoyable. Not caring about what's gonna happen and face every throw of life with a renewed vigour will lead to a simpler life .

The zeal to break that streak of failures. I fail , I fall but I rise up stronger . I believe failure is a part of

Michael Jackson Alive 2019 Return Come Back Music God Joe Jack Crooner Dave Dave Angel 777,

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