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This video, I'm going to be sharing with you the parallel reality timeline loop that you are stuck in and don't even know it, and I'm going to show you how to push through it so you start to experience more of what you want. By the end of this video, you will know how to do that in a very powerful way.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you that of what is called the parallel reality timeline loop that 99% of the people on the world are stuck in and understand that the reason it says timeline is because yes, there are an infinite number of parallel realities that exist.
We are shifting through them every moment whether we're aware of it or not. The thing is is most people shift to a very similar experience to their past because they're stuck in their past.
So thinking about it in terms of vibrational resonance.
Now when it comes to this, if we're thinking the same thoughts every day, feeling the same emotions every day, doing the same things every day, then we will continue to experience the same thing over and over again. Now it appears to be the same thing, but it's actually not, its totally separate frames, but we create the experience as if it is the same.
So think about it like this. We're shifting all the time. If we experienced being stuck, we just keep shifting to experiences of being stuck because of our definition of being stuck. We may have a definition that I always attract this type of experience in my life, and by saying that we shift to the same type of experience over and over again. It's a new experience, but it appears to be the same because it's what's familiar.
It's the consistent thoughts. We have consistent motions, we feel consistent things we do. So we created new every time. But it appears to be the same. Now, this is very important because when we understand that, we can start to ask yourself a new question, what do I want to experience instead of the reality I don't prefer?
What do I want to choose? Is there something new I want to choose? You see, these are the questions we can ask. We get real deep here. We can start to ask new questions. Therefore we started to get new answers. But you see most people aren't asking questions. They're just in the seriousness
You know this, this is a three d avatar. First off. Yeah, it's kind of cool. You know, you can do stuff with it. But when we identify with just our body, when we identify with our thoughts, when they identify with the identity of the three d Avatar, it creates a rigidity, a seriousness, and then we go out and we experienced reality as equal to whatever that Avatar is and just some people aren't aware, Yo, I could change up how I do this instead of doing this.
I could do this. I could do it the other way instead of doing like this. It just, I mean, she was so rigid. They're like kind of walking around, you know, everything is so serious and because it's so serious, I'm going to continue to create this feeling of being stuck because everything has stuck and things just start happening.
But if we say that we're creating new experiences of that over and over and over again based on our definitions, based on our beliefs, think of it like words and definitions. Keep us locked into a certain parallel reality timeline loop. Now the loop is the experiential part of it appears to be the same, just appears to be the same because we're within a certain bubble. This avatar bubble of the thoughts. We think the feelings we have, the things we do, and therefore we experienced the same things over and over again.
At any point, we can choose something new, but people aren't aware that they have the choice. They think that they have to be the same way that they've always define themselves. Tony Robbins says this all the times. He says, the strongest human desire there is is to remain consistent to the way you define yourself. Three says that's pretty strong human desire and if we define ourselves in a certain way early on in her past, maybe, um, maybe we define ourselves as a victim because the...
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