
Why Do I Teach People For Free? | Property Q&A with Samuel Leeds #7

Why Do I Teach People For Free? | Property Q&A with Samuel Leeds #7 Welcome back to Q&A Sunday, the series in which I answer all your niggling property questions and offer advice to my wonderful viewers. Don't forget to leave your questions in the comment section below for me to answer next week!

0:24 - Hi Samuel, can Lease Option Agreements be used to purchase a property in Scotland? I've read it is possible but also read that in most cases is not.

2:27 - Samuel, how to start building your network of investors to pass on the pacjed deals? My city doesn't have many property events.

4:17 - Hi Samuel, if a potential buy-to-let property has tenants and I buy the house can I keep the current tenants or do they have to be evicted and them I'd have to source new ones? THANK YOU SIR!!!

5:49 - Anyone got a idea of how he makes money from the crash course becouse why would he do it for free, no hate just a question?

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samuel leeds,property investors with samuel leeds,property investors crash course,how to invest in property,property investing tips,UK property investing,UK property investment,winners on a Wednesday,HMO property,rent2rent,buy2let,serviced accommodation,property investing strategies,mentoring monday,ask me anything,samuel leeds Q&A,Q&A Sunday,AMA,property questions,HMO standards,HMO rules and regulations,

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