
7 Serotonin Boosting foods To Try If You Are Feeling Low

7 Serotonin Boosting foods To Try If You Are Feeling Low Welcome to good life tube with a new video

Do you suffer from frequent mood swings, irritation, and generalized unhappiness even when everything is going right?

You may be suffering from “Serotonin depletion”.

Serotonin is a “Happiness Hormone” which has an important role in promoting the feeling of happiness and well-being.

Following is the symptoms of serotonin depletion.

Poor memory, Low mood

Craving for sweet and starchy food

Difficulty in sleeping, Low Self Esteem

Anxiety, Aggression

Serotonin is manufactured in the body by the use of amino acid called Tryptophan,

Eating a well-balanced diet which has ampul amount of tryptophan will improve your energy levels, mood, and sleep.

Include the following foods in your diet to boost your serotonin levels naturally.

1. Eggs

Protein in the egg is an excellent source of tryptophan.

Yolks are an excellent source of tryptophan, biotin and Omega 3 fatty acids.

It also contains other compounds that will boost your health in a positive way.

2. Cheese

If you are vegetarian then cheese is one of the best alternatives for you. It has a good amount of tryptophan in it.

3. Tofu

Soya proteins are a rich source of tryptophan it is one of the best plant sources for your protein needs if you are a vegan then this is your best choice for protein needs.

4. Turkey

Turkey is an excellent source of protein with ample of amount of tryptophan,

Maybe that’s why you feel happy during thanksgiving.

5. Spinach

Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach are a good source of tryptophan for vegetarians, they also contain a good amount of iron which prevents anemia.

6. Nuts & Seeds

You can choose your favorite nuts and seeds here because all of the have tryptophan, in addition, they also have a good amount of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

7. Salmon

Salmon is good for so many things including tryptophan, including salmon in your diet will improve your mental as well as physical health.

Include these foods in a well balanced healthy diet and you will feel the benefits soon.

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