
Customer From Uttarakhand, Buying a Very Loyal Breed Rottweiler From Bhola Shola

Customer From Uttarakhand, Buying a Very Loyal Breed Rottweiler From Bhola Shola Find more at

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Pet Care is a pet awareness initiative by Harwinder Grewal. Who is a director of Bhola Shola Pet Services and Farm Private Limited. In his videos, you can get deep knowledge about pets in the Hindi Language. He also tells most of the hidden aspects of Dog Business and Pets Business.
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The words "guard dog" elicit in some people images of a dog growling and barking at innocent strangers, threatening them to keep them at a distance. That’s not how a confident guard dog behaves. Rottweilers are naturally protective of their families, and if they are properly socialized and trained, their attitude toward strangers who don't pose a threat is one of indifference.

Socialization is an essential part of raising any dog, including one intended to be a confident guard dog. Socialization means taking your Rottweiler puppy with you to a variety of places, and letting the puppy meet people and other dogs and animals, indoors and out. These should be happy, positive, rewarding experiences for your Rottie. Socialization familiarizes your puppy with the world and lets the puppy learn how to get along in it. A Rottweiler who lacks this socialization is apt to be fearful and to display fear-based aggression. From puppy on, take your Rottweiler for daily walks where you will encounter other people and dogs. Take your puppy with you to parks and on trips in the car. Joining a dog-training club is a good way to combine obedience training with socialization of your young Rottweiler.

At the heart of every good guard dog is an obedient dog. Your Rottweiler must know that you are in control. A Rottweiler who doesn't accept your leadership can be a danger to you and others. Basic obedience instills confidence in you and your dog, and establishes a solid foundation for additional training. Basic obedience consists of simple commands, such as “Sit,” “Down,” and “Stay.” Rottweilers are intelligent dogs, and can be expected to learn these commands easily.

The key to a well-behaved dog is consistency. Integrate obedience into your dog's daily life. Always have your Rottie perform an obedience command in exchange for anything the dog wants, whether it's to go through a door, get a tummy rub, receive a meal, or have the leash attached to the collar for a walk.

All dogs have certain behaviors unique to their breed. Used as a herding dog in Roman times long before they were bred in Germany to be guard dogs, Rottweilers occasionally will try to herd people. This may seem like an insignificant annoyance, but it is actually a dominance behavior. Put an immediate stop to all herding behavior by giving a ‘Stop’ command and moving into the dog’s space if your dog starts to herd. Push the dog back, and prevent the dog from moving toward you.

Properly trained and socialized Rottweilers will naturally protect you and your family. They should bark at anyone who knocks on the door, but immediately stop once they realize the person is harmless. They should not demonstrate unpredictable behavior, such as lunging for no reason toward random people. On walks, they should appear alert, but neutral toward dogs and other people around you. If your Rottie is constantly snapping, barking or acting out, the behavior derives from fear, not from protection.

Bite training is the practice of teaching a dog to bite on command and to hold that grip. It's often used to train police dogs. Do not attempt this type of training yourself, as you could seriously harm yourself or others. Bite training should be done only by a specialized police or military trainer. Done properly, bite training does not increase a dog's aggression. If done improperly, it can lead to serious aggression problems as well as serious liability issues for you.
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