
Math for Informed Citizens | David Kung | TEDxGreatMills

Math for Informed Citizens | David Kung | TEDxGreatMills How is it that the same facts can be used to tell entirely different, and sometimes apparently conflicting, stories? David Kung discuss how math and education can make students, and all of us, better informed citizens.
Dave Kung fell in love with both mathematics and music at a very early age. More successful with one than the other, he completed three degrees from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, none in music, before joining the faculty at St. Mary's College of Maryland. He enjoys playing violin with students, in the local community orchestra, and with his daughter. He has authored a variety of articles on topics in harmonic analysis and mathematics education, and is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2006 Teaching Award and 2017 Service Award from the MD/VA/DC section of the MAA. His Great Courses lectures, How Music and Mathematics Relate, have quickly become a top Math & Science seller for the Teaching Company. He serves as director of MAA Project NExT, a professional development program for new faculty in the mathematical sciences. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

TEDxTalks,English,Education,Democracy,Education reform,Leadership,Learning,Math,Teaching,

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