A dispensation from the Angelic realm, they have been hearing the prayers of earth and the souls of humanity, their light rose white light is a divine healing soothing frequency of LOVE and Healing. They filled my aura with their amazing grace so i could feel their incredible presence with me and to share it. Please share to help others and be open receive. Love Shekina
Shekina Rose Angel Medium, Language of Light Songstress, Blue Ray Channel, Healer, Intuitive empathy Spiritual Psychic, Creator of the Sedona Spirit Crystals ~ Portal of the Vortex pendants, wands and Pleiadian Sacred technologies from her regular physical and telepathic visited by the Pleiadians the Pleiadians Peace ship, Sedona Deva crystals, Christos, Sophia, the Archangels and Ascended Master’s beings and races She is an ET Contactee and NDE experiencer.
Sedona Vortex Crystal Pendants
in person session Sedona Crystal Angel Medium Language of light healing Activations
Shekina Rose, cds, music downloads:
Donations are so appreciated
#BEHERENOW #LOVEFrequencyHealing #lightLanguage