
The Perspective from Africa - Sarah Wurz: Klasies River - Archive of Human Behavior in South Africa

The Perspective from Africa - Sarah Wurz: Klasies River - Archive of Human Behavior in South Africa (Visit:
1:34 - Klasies River as a 120,000-year-old archive of human behavior in South Africa - Sarah Wurz

This CARTA symposium focuses on the contributions of scientists and scholars of anthropogeny who live and work in Africa. Sarah Wurz, University of the Witwatersrand, discusses the Klasies River site which was a favored home base for southern Cape humans between 120,000 and 2300 years ago. Recorded on 05/31/2019. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [Science] [Show ID: 34989]

Africa,Evolution,science,anthropogeny,research,origins,academia,archeology,Klasies River,

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