
Therefore meme (Drowning in Pasta) (Backstory on description)

Therefore meme (Drowning in Pasta) (Backstory on description) Original:
Heavily inspired: Scootalo Loves Sans

September 1 2013
Jeff has a loving family, but as he grows up he sees their problems and starts falling apart.
After his brother Liu ends up in an asylum because of his fault. Something changes inside him forever.
After getting burned alive and the rest of the story, he went and got rid of Jane. Realizing what he did, he runs away from his problems but ends up bleeding to death due to his slith smile. Slender revives him and promises him a place but he rejects it.
After a while, Jeff jumps to the nearest well on a suicide attempt.
He wakes up realizing it was just a nightmare but that he will never see his brother again... or will he?

This happens one year before the main events of the series so yeah


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