
Things That Do Not Excite Women And They Pretend Just To Please Them

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Things That Do Not Excite Women And They Pretend Just To Please Them.

Women and men work differently when the matter is an intimate relationship.

Each of them works in a different way. Research in the United States indicates that 95% of women have pretended to be satisfied in bed, simply in order to please their partners.

This happens because they are afraid to refuse in the intimate moment and not to fight or hinder the search for that moment of pleasure, so they act in this way.

In order for men to become more attentive to the actions of their partners, we have prepared a list of the five times that women pretended to be excited at the time of intimacy, but in reality, they were not feeling pleasure.

1. The first one is time.

Girls usually need a longer time to exhibit their pleasure. This is because male and female hormones are quite different, acting at a different rate in each gender.

Knowing this, guys need to be calmer and notice the signs their woman gives, but not pretending. Try to prolong the time with the couple.

2. The second is that everything has its moment and is done slowly.

It is no use trying to arrive and do everything at once. Girls need some time before the moment of intimacy.

In addition, your partner's body has many parts that can and should be explored. This will help her better understand the path of happiness.

3. The third is to shout a lot.

Whoever feels true happiness in the intimate encounter does not have to keep screaming.

If she screams too much, you must be alert, you may be hurting her or she is trying to show you that she doesn't want you to continue and you didn't even imagine.

4. Staying too quiet.

The woman likes to talk, even in those moments. Therefore, if you have already been in bed for more than ten minutes and she did not even say a word, that means that it is very bad.

5. Talking too much about yourself.

It doesn't make much sense so much praise, maybe it's just irony or mockery.

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How To Approach Her:

Things That Do Not Excite Women And They Pretend Just To Please Them,5 Things That Do Not Excite Women And They Pretend Just To Please Them,

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