
GIVE EVERYTHING YOU GOT - Powerful Motivational Video (Mindset Is Everything Speech)

GIVE EVERYTHING YOU GOT - Powerful Motivational Video (Mindset Is Everything Speech) People live their entire lives without pushing themselves to the limit.

Afraid to get our of their comfort zone. Afraid of the unknown. Afraid of their own potential.

Their live their whole life afraid.

When faced with death, the biggest regret people have is being afraid. Not taking risks. Playing it safe.

People live their whole lives not knowing their true potential. Not knowing how far they could have taken it. How far they could have pushed themselves.

You will be surprised how strong you are, how smart you are, how creative you are when pushed to the limit.

You will be surprised at your ability to create solutions to problems on the fly. Come up with innovative ideas, how fast you can run, how strong you are.

There is nothing you can't do when you give it your all. There is nothing you can't do when you set your mind on giving everything you got.


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