
How to create a quality sellable love-brand.

How to create a quality sellable love-brand. Creating love-brands, sounds like a great topic for an episode of MMTV? We thought so too. In the fourth part of our series, we talk about love-brands. Joining Yannick are Dries Henau and Yuri Vandenbogaerde, founders of PR and Influencer agency Ambassy, with which they founded Wasbar and Chez Clair and created numerous successful marketing campaigns.

Recently their agency merged with MMBSY and Dries and Yuro took on conceptual roles in the new company while focussing on De Jongens, a new consulting firm where they use their expertise to advise and support other companies.

0:20 What should people know about you guys?
1:10 What does modern marketing mean to you?
4:30 The industries you created brands in, are basically ‘old-fashioned’, though you made them sexy. Where did your ideas come from? Can you tell us something about your creative process?
7:48 What is on your checklist for ‘building the perfect brand’?
9:00 Were Wasbar and Chez Claire your first products? What were some of the obstacles you ran into, and can you provide us with some learnings?
12:28 What made concepts like Wasbar and Chez Claire so successful? Why did they take off?
13:55 The brands you create always look good. Do you have a backstory in design?
16:29 The investment in starting a new concept is high. What is your advice for people who want to start with similar ideas?
18:25 You didn't spend a lot of money on paid ads for the brands. How come? What are your thoughts on paid media?
21:14 Do you have any tips on how to build this personal brand, the face of the company?
21:58 What are the deciding factors to work with an agency when building a new company?
25:42 After merging Ambassy, did you both still have an active role in the company?
26:02 You both do quite some consulting, on which topics?
26:41 If you launch a brand, how important is it to work with influencers?
22:57 Did you ever work with influencers?
28:50 How do you keep focus, when dealing with so much at the same time?
31:40 Any advice for starting entrepreneurs who are launching a new brand?
35:19 Five closing questions.

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Yannick is an entrepreneur with an insatiable lust for marketing. Three years ago Yannick founded The Growth Revolution (TGR), the first growth agency in Belgium. Recently TGR partnered with OONA, a creative, effective and well-respected PR agency. From now on, they embrace, pursue and practice modern marketing with joined forces, for A-brands and other amazing clients.

“Digital times call for digital marketing measures, with added creative layers and original approaches. Marketing of which the results are not solely dependent on the size of your budget. It's time to comprehend the possibilities, on a technical, substantial and social level and outsmart your competition.” - Yannick Khayati

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🎥Filmed and edited by Peter Van keer. You can find his YouTube channel here:

Wasbar,Chez Claire,Dries Henau,Yuri Vandenbogaerde,La Lorraine Bakery Group,Top Brands,what is the design of a successful brand,how to build the perfect brand,personal branding,how to sell your company,advice for young entrepreneurs,what is modern marketing,influencer marketing,how to work with influencers,how to choose what agency to work with,how to launch a new brand,washing salon business,modern marketing,modernmarketingtv,marketing youtube show,how to,

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