
JUST IN | The unbearable heaviness of Donald Trump’s presidency.

JUST IN | The unbearable heaviness of Donald Trump’s presidency. ★ ★ ★ Channel: POLITICS LIVE Hello everyone!
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VIDEO CONTENT: The unbearable heaviness of Donald Trump’s presidency.
For those of you who are interested and are uninformed of the distinction, England, Scotland and Wales comprise the island of Britain, or Great Britain. If you add to that Northern Ireland you get “The United Kingdom.” Simple enough, yes? After two and a half years as “President,” Donald Trump still doesn’t get it, despite owning quite a lot of property in Scotland and having a Scottish-born mother.
Recently, Trump said of a conversation he had with Boris Johnson at the G7 conference, “I asked Boris: Where’s England? What’s happening with England? They don’t use it too much any more. We talked about it, it was very interesting.” One could almost imagine him adding, “Soitenly! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!” Trump is clearly still unaware of the distinction between “England” and “Britain” or “England” and the “United Kingdom.” In his most recent trip to Britain Trump also expressed confusion about this, just as he did in his first official visit to Britain.
England, as a distinct entity, is still used. It’s not used any longer as a synonym for Britain (or the United Kingdom) because the name is heavily freighted with elitist imperialism, and to use it is justly considered a slight to Scotland and Wales, not to mention Northern Ireland. The long, shameful history of atrocities committed against those sister nations by England is also best left in the past.

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