
Lib Dems policy is now to reverse Brexit!

Lib Dems policy is now to reverse Brexit! The Liberal Democrats have today voted overwhelmingly at their party conference to revoke the Article 50 letter and reverse Brexit should they ever form a government.


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As of today, the official Lib Dem policy on Brexit is to reverse it without a referendum should they be returned in government after a general election.

But as most of us are aware, that has been their unofficial policy since the EU referendum in 2016.

The Lib Dems will though support a second EU referendum with an option to Remain in the EU, if they do not win an election.

But this new revoke policy has not been welcomed by some in the party.

One former Lib Dem MP, Simon Hughes, said that is would take the party's focus away from getting a second referendum and he asked delegates to reject the new policy.

And Niall Hodson, a Lib Dem Councillor in Sunderland, where voters opted heavily for Leave, said this was too 'absolutist' with the aim of just piling up Remain votes in London, not elsewhere.

Talking about the party's new position, the party leader, Jo Swinson, said:

"If the Liberal Democrats win a majority at the next election, if the party put into government is a stop-Brexit party, then stopping Brexit is exactly what they will get."

Strange how all talk of compromise or what about the 52% and the like has all evaporated into a policy, that if delivered, would further divide the UK and destroy its political system.

And that's exactly why Brexiteers must redouble their efforts to ensure that a full clean-break Brexit is delivered on the 31st of October, as anything less will be used by the likes of Swinson as a springboard back into the EU.

One of the things that many Brexiteers don't realise, is that the pro-EU lobby is not interested in the UK as an independent sovereign nation.

You will not win them over with talk about independence, because that is the last thing they want.

No, the ardent Remainers like the Swinsons of this world and their followers crave interdependence.

They see the future of the UK as just part of some greater whole - and that starts with the EU. But they still refuse to come fully clean about it for fear of putting off a lot of middle of the road voters.

What I'm saying, is that this is really a political battle between those that love the UK, its democracy and its independent place in global affairs and those that would rather that the UK became intertwined with other entities, so becoming totally unable to function as a sovereign nation.

This is not a struggle between two sides claiming the other side did not know what they were voting for.

No, it's a struggle between Brexiteers who have always made their case clear and Remainers who talk about everything other than admit their true desire to see the UK as an entity broken down into an irrelevance - think Ken Clarke and his comment back in the 1990s that he some day wanted to see our Houses of Parliament as some sort of EU council chamber.

And just watch how they wave that EU flag.

Ardent Remainers know the score. They not only fully understand ever closer union, they fully support it whatever you say to try and dissuade them. They just haven't quite got round to fully and openly making the case for it to the public - I wonder why?

I mean, even now, all they can do, is talk about stopping this so-called Brexit confusion, the confusion they caused in the first place. They have no actual positive reason to revoke and force the UK to stay under Brussels control - it's all negative fear-mongering.

And they won't openly champion the European Union as our new political system, because they know they would not win that vote. Yet!

But be in no doubt they will do all they can to keep us in it, even if it costs this nation dear both economically and politically in the process.

They must be stopped.





News,Politics,Brexit,Political News,Brexit News,Brexit Latest,European Union,United Kingdom,EU,UK,UK Government,brexit negotiations,UK Parliament,UK Politics,UK Political News,European Union News,Brexiteers,jeff taylor latest,jeff taylor,Jeff Taylor Brexit,no deal Brexit,revoke article 50,stop brexit,libs dems,jo swinson,ever closer union,sovereign nation,brexiteers,independence,democracy,political system,simon hughes,niall hodson,

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