
Top 10 Nuggets On Staying Grounded During These Hectic And Turbulent Times. (EP12)

Top 10 Nuggets On Staying Grounded During These Hectic And Turbulent Times. (EP12) In this 12th episode of Mogobe's Nuggets Of Wisdom Podcast, Serial Entrepreneur, Attorney and Property Investor Mompoloki Lerumo Mogobe shares 10 Nuggets of wisdom on being his take on what an Entrepreneur has to do to remain GROUNDED during these hectic and turbulent times.
Entrepreneurs face challenges
Sometimes they get discouraged
Here are the top 10 Nuggets on being grounded.
1. Connect to your roots,
2. Be humble- stay down to earth,
3. Be reliable- mean what you say, say what you mean,
4. Have high self-esteem: never let anybody belittle you. Martin Luther king Jr said believe in your ‘somebodyness’,
5.Have faith: connect to a higher power,
6. Be reflective, prayerful and meditative
7. Boost your self-confidence: through reading, Podcast; sharing with others, etc
8. Help someone else. Help other people. Do charity work,
9.Learn to say NO! Respectfully refuse to say or do things you don’t want,
10. Take charge of your emotions (not the other way round),
11.BONUS:Keep active and healthy. By nurturing both your mind and body.


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