
Which God Are Aquinas's Five Ways Supposed to Prove?

Which God Are Aquinas's Five Ways Supposed to Prove? Some atheist like to say that everyone is a-theist to some extent, even monotheists, since everyone denies that most gods exist; mono-theists are just one God away from being totally a-theist. But the God which proofs are supposed to prove has a performative description, and a proof is supposed to have a referent, and so that description refers to something that exists. This is recognized as the same referent that monotheists believe in, which is a different sort of thing than the gods of various pantheons. The ancient Greek philosopher, Xenophanes of Colophon, recognized this difference 2500 years ago.

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God,atheist,Thomas Aquinas,proof,God's existence,Thomistic,gods,nominal definition,performative description,

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