Baofeng UV-5R hand held Ham radio:
Boafeng AA battery pack
Nagoya 771 Antenna
Yaesu FT-60r hand held Ham radio:
NOAA weather radio frequency in your area:
Look up local Police, EMS and Fire service frequency near you:
Find a ham radio license exam near you:
Midland 75-822 CB transceiver for mid range communications:
Midland 75-785
Cobra Handheld telescopic antenna for Midland 75-822 CB
XTAR VC4 battery charger for AA / AAA batteries
NT4 Power bank with solar panels:
Solar charger for AA / AAA batteries: (incase you bug out)
8 Pack Duracell Rechargeable AA 2400 mAh
8 Pack Energizer Recharge AA 2300 mAh
Hand Crank USB/mini USB emergency charger
Sawyer water filter: purifies up to 100,000 Gallons:
DIY ceramic gravity filter
Wise 52 servings just add hot water emergency food:
9 in 1 LED crank flashlight **** NO BATTERIES ****
Crank LED lamps: **** NO BATTERIES ****
Shake flashlight: **** NO BATTERIES ****
Plastic military canteen with aluminum cup
100 gallon bath tub bladder:
Butane Stove
Mora knife:
SAS survival Guide:
"How to back a bug out bag" "How to pack a 72 hour bag" "How to pack a INCH bag" "How to pack 3 day bag" "How to pack a GOOD bag" "How to pack a G.O.O.D. bag" "72 hour bag contents" "Bug out bag contents" "Best bug out bag" "ultimate bug out bag" "How to pack 3 day bag" "What’s in a bug out bag" "What’s in a 72 hour bag"
"What’s in a grab an go bag" "What’s in a emergency bag" "Survival bag" "Into the woods bag" "My bug out bag" "Bug out bag for women" "Bug out bag for kids" "Bug out bag for children"
"Bug out bag for family" "Bug out bag list" "Bug out bag items"
"Bug out bag inventory" "Bug out bag checklist" "FEMA emergency 72 hour kit" "CDC emergency 72 hour kit" "Get home bag" "INCH bag" "I.N.C.H bag" "I’m never coming home bag"
"Survival food" "What if a natural disaster"
"What if a Hurricane" "What if a Typhoon" "What if a tornado" "What if a flood" "What if a blizzard" "What if an Earthquake"
"What if a Emp attack" "What if a tsunami" "What if a blizzard"
"What if a blackout" "What if a power outage"
"What if a riot" "What if a forest fire" "What to so if a solar flare"
"What do if martial law" "What to do is SHTF"
"What to do is shit hit’s the fan" "economic collapse" "stock market crash" "Great depression" "WROL" "Prepper" "prepping" "food shortages"