
Fixing MLB's Strike Zone - a Challenge System Proposal

Fixing MLB's Strike Zone - a Challenge System Proposal Is it time to incorporate technology in ball/strike calls? How? In this video, we proposal a challenge system to fix baseball's strike zone least fix the disputes and arguments about it. Article:

MLB umpires call pitches—depending on who you ask—at an accuracy rate of between 91% and about 97%. The 91% figure represents the lowest guess of a public-facing system while 97% represents an approximation of the league's internal data thanks to a statement from MLB to the media about it.

In other words, an umpire is told one thing while fans and teams are told's a disconnect the creates artificial conflict. Is there a way to fix things?

In our opinion, yes. We'll get to work with that 3% of definitive error and introduce a framework for challenging pitches closer to the zone edges that may or may not be correct or incorrect.

Tech is coming to baseball, and this might be one way to responsibly incorporate it.

Baseball,Umpire,Strike Zone,

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