
The Middle English Period (1066-1500) | English Honours | Shipon Mitra

The Middle English Period (1066-1500) | English Honours | Shipon Mitra The Middle English PeriodDuration: 1066-1500

The Middle English Period begins in 1066 when the Normans from France defeat the Germanic Saxons and take control over England. It extends to 1500 from 1066. This period has three shorter ages as the people of the mentioned age see a huge transition in their literature, culture, language and lifestyle and results in what we can recognise today as a form of 'modern' English. In fact, English becomes easily comprehensible to people from this period because of its modern version. Till much of the period, the writings were religion -oriented, far away from the nature of secular writing. But onward 1350, secular literature began to rise.

Shorter Ages:
The other shorter ages which are included in this Middle English Period are as follows:

1) The Anglo Normal Period (1066-1340)
2) The Age of Chaucer (1340-1400)
3) The Dark/ Barren Age (1400-1485/1500)


1) The Normans coming to England from France defeat the Saxons in 1066 and seize England and continue ruling over the country for 274 years at a stretch. That is why, the time span from 1066 to 1340 is regarded as the Anglo Norman Period. In this age, French and Sanskrit are forcibly imposed upon the English. Besides, this period is also remarkable for the establishment of Oxford (1096) and Cambridge (1209) Universities. The great charter Magna Carta was also passed on 15 June, 1215 of this age. Not only that but the English Parliament was also established in the late 13th century that is in 1295. The Crusade, a historical religious movement between the Muslims and Christians for the possession of the holy cities Jerusalem and Constantinopolis took place in this age too, that is between 1096 and 1292.

2) After the Anglo Norman Period ends up, the Age of Chaucer begins from 1340/ 1343 and continues to 1400, that is for 60/ 57 years. The age is named after the name of Geoffrey Chaucer, the representative poet of the 14th century. The age is notable for its contribution in English Literature. In fact, it marked the first significant literary age in English Literature. It introduced a new era of learning hence. Chaucer's age also witnessed many social, political, and religious challenges of his time. 

[Note: These challenges are/ will be discussed in the video of "The Age of Chaucer." ] 

3) The Dark/ Barren Age actually refers to a time of the medieval period that is between 1400 and 1485/1500 because the people of England see no transition in literature in this gap. No literary outputs are discovered during this time span and so it is called the Dark Age for English Literature. 

Literary Personalities:

The Middle English Period is also remarkable for some literary personalities such as Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland, John Wycliff, Sir Thomas Malory, Dante. 

1) Geoffrey Chaucer: He is the representative poet of his time and after his name the time span between 1340/43 and 1400 is named "The Age of Chaucer." He was a diplomat, philosopher, astronomer, bureaucrat, courtier at a time. He is also called 'The Morning Star of Renaissance" by many people. He has other tittles too like the Father of English Language, Father of English Literature, Father of English Modern Poetry, etc. His famous literary works are Canterbury Tales, The House of Fame, Nun Priest's Tale, The Parliament of Fowls, The Legend of Good Women. His famous saying is "Time and tide wait for no man."

2) William Langland: He is another important literary figure of the 14th century England. His famous epic is Piers Plowman. It was William Langland who spoke "Who will bell the cat?" 

3) John Wycliff: He is called the Morning Star of the Reformation, Evening Star of English Scholasticism, Reformer of English Church, Father of English prose all together. His followers are known as Lollards who are mainly notable for their Protestant Reformation. He for the very first time translated the Bible (New Testament) into English. 

4) Sir Thomas Malory: This literary personality is remarkable for his prose Morte D' Arthur which is the first romance in prose in the history of English Literature. It was published in 1485. 

5) Dante Alighieri: He was born in Florence, Italy. He is regarded as the Father of the Italian Language or the Supreme Poet of Italy. The name of his famous epic is The Divine Comedy. It begins with his famous poem Inferno, meaning 'hell' in English. 

 Except all those writers and literary works, this Middle English Period is also notable for some incidents too. Of them, The Hundred-Year War is highly mentionable. To sum up, we can say that the Middle English Period with three shorter ages is the first step to modern English and secular writings. The period sees a huge transition in literature, language and lifestyle of the people and develops a new form that we call 'modern' today.

Written & Compiled by
Shipon Mitra
BA (Hon's), MA in Eneriod

The Old English Period


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