
A Time Of Blessing You Will Not Enjoy - Daily Prophetic Word

A Time Of Blessing You Will Not Enjoy - Daily Prophetic Word In days soon coming many of you will experience my correction and refinement. You will experience my adjustment, for it is my desire to bring you to a place of excellence, fulfillment, and maturity. So know, just as the vine is already bearing fruit, even so, I will prune it so that it will bear even more fruit. (1)

The times of pruning and correction are given for your benefit. This process, though uncomfortable and humbling, will bring about the fruit that you and I desire. While this process seems slow and, at times painful, as you come through it and look back, it will seem brief. As I bring you through the process of correction and refinement I will not leave you alone like an orphan, for I have put my spirit within you, and I have put my grace upon you. Surely you will endure and achieve, for I will enable you to persevere and not give up. Patience must have its work in your life, and when it does, you will come out lacking nothing. (2)

So expect habits of old to be confronted, but also corrected. Expect mindsets and paradigms within you to be exposed, and adjusted. Things you have believed for years will come to the surface, and you will be forced to take inventory and decide for yourself who you will serve. You will be forced to decide who will be your master and Lord? There are habits of old, even from generations past that need to be corrected and broken. (3)

In this time of pruning, I will be getting your attention as we break old habits and mindsets. Be mindful of this process as you feel unusual pressure from the day. Surely I will be efficient in my dealings with you, so as not to delay the process unnecessarily. With this in mind, embrace the adjustments as you embrace this time of adjustment. It will enhance your life and increase your fruitfulness. It will bring you greater rewards, and increase your joy. Though you will not always enjoy the process, in the end you will certainly enjoy the blessings. (4)

(1) 2 Timothy 2:15, John 15:2
(2) 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, James 1:4, John 14:18, James 1:12
(3) Isaiah 55:8-9, Hebrews 4:13, Joshua 24:14-15
(4) Romans 12:2, Isaiah 9:3, James 1:17, Philippians 4:19

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