
Is The Love Of Booty The Root Of All Evil?- MGTOW

Is The Love Of Booty The Root Of All Evil?- MGTOW Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Samnang. He didn't give me a specific topic so I'd like to talk about something that's been on my mind for a long long time. I've heard dozens of women in my life throw up the excuse into
the air that all wars are the fault of men. But warfare is far more complicated than that. I believe that the majority of wars are actually fought because it's really women's nagging and never ending demands to creature comforts that
light that spark. Women encourage men to be more productive and conquer other men so that they can take what they have to enrich their own women. My theory is that this is done so women stop nagging them long enough to get some peace and quiet. I spoke about this briefly in one of my very first videos called the misandry treadmill and wanted to elaborate on it some more. But before I do let me tell you guys about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to this idea that the love of booty is the root of all evil. More specifically the evil that men inflict on one another when they fight each other for the girl. Or when they fight each other by going to war to enrich their own countries and therefore boost the material wealth of the women that are in their lives. I've said it many times before that women accuse men of the very things that they are guilty of first by beating us to the punch so that we can't say the same thing back to them. For example women call men pigs and say that all men want is sex yet meanwhile there are more women than ever in our society that have had sexual partners in the tripple digits. So who only wants one thing? Most guys out there don't really want all that much in their lives. They don't need a giant mansion and fancy cars. The reason many them purchase those things is because it attracts the best possible women to them. If eighty to eighty-five percent of all consumerism for household spending is thanks to women then what do men spend their money on. They buy cars to attract women as well as clothes. I would wager that the majority of male consumer spending is on sporting events and video games. Those are things that take up very little actual resources to produce. Computer code is cheap to replicate and so is the television signal you get beamed to your house with the big game in it. But all those shoes, coats, hats, purses, vacations on the beach that required tons of jet fuel to be burned use up actual resources. Fossil fuels that we will never get back. Afterall in part the Russians lost the cold war because people wanted better consumer goods that they would occasionally see in their own country when people would come to visit or send care packages.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""


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