CYBER DOME™ – a comprehensive solution, tackling advanced cyber threats, including unique technology for handling multi-classification information and SCADA systems.
WISDOM STONE™ – Big Data Fusion and Analysis Platform
Wisdom Stone facilitates advanced tools for real-time analysis, data mining, and information visualization capabilities for use by Defense Forces, Military, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Organizations and Enterprises.
SisDome™ - Detection, decision-making and reaction to critical infrastructure threats
SisCom™ - A Command and Control platform provides protection for borders, CIPs, energy facilities, sea ports, coastlines and offshore sites.
DRONE DOME™ - An innovative system designed to provide effective airspace defense against hostile and stray drones which integrates detection, classification, identification, and neutralization sub-systems, providing an end-to-end, mobile, quick response anti-UAV defense solution for
sensitive sites and airspace
SPIKE Firefly™ - A revolutionary miniature tactical loitering weapon system from the SPIKE™ Family, weighing only 3 kg, to provide Precision Attack Capabilities for the Dismounted Soldier fighting within an urban arena where situation awareness is limited, the enemy is behind cover, and precision is critical.
and many more!