Do you like shopping while traveling in China? In this episode, we'll teach you how to talk about prices or how much something costs in Mandarin Chinese. And Chinese money explained! This is very useful in markets or stores if you want to buy something in China. Let’s get started
More video lessons like this: Learn Chinese for Beginners 101 Lessons
how much is it in Chinese - duo shao qian - 多少钱 - how much does it cost in Chinese - ask price in Chinese =================================== If you have any questions, please tell us in comment. Thanks! ●Subscribe to our YouTube channel: ●Visit our official website: ●Follow us on Facebook: ●Follow us on Instagram: ●Follow us on Twitter: Chinese language topics: #AskingPriceinChinese #LearnChineseforBeginners #EverydayChinese #BasicChinese
learn Chinese,how much,money,price,how much is it,duo shao qian,shopping,bargaining,travel,beginner Chinese,beginner Mandarin,learn Chinese for beginners,Mandarin for beginners,basic Chinese,Chinese lessons,Chinese language,China,beijing,hongkong,taipei,