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The 1 Thing You MUST Know About Facebook Ads (CRUCIAL!)
If you are a complete beginner, you must know how to avoid and possibly deal with a Disabled/Banned Facebook Ad Account.
Now obviously we hope it never comes to the point where you have to deal with that issue, but you should be prepared. Facebook could ban your ad account for many reasons:
- Copyright infringement (taking someone else's content). DMCA Claim
- Launching too many ads too fast with a new Facebook Account (Suspicious Activity)
- Using a payment method that was linked on a currently banned ad account
- Traveling overseas and making suspicious logins
And many many more things...
Now, what should you do if Facebook Bans your ad account?
Firs thing would be to appeal it as long as you don't believe you actually broke any rules/terms. But if Facebook is not willing to give you your account back, I suggest you use a friends profile. Don't make a fake one because eventually they will make you verify it, so you need to make sure it's a real person behind the account.
Theres definitely a lot of money to be made with Facebook Ads, and you can be successful with it if you study & practice hard. Hopefully you never have to deal with a banned ad account!
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*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion.