»DeskConn Project: Your computer's connection to things (and vice versa)«
by: Omer Akram
DeskConn is a secure, open-source, cross-distro daemon based on Crossbar/Autobahn. Its "components" allow to expose a client's functionality over the network.
I want to introduce an open-source project that I have been working on for the last few months, the goal is to make it simple to enable communication between clients on a local network, expose functionalities using RPCs so that developers could innovate by writing their own components (read: plugins)
Those so-called components could be written in any programming language that has a WAMP proto library, some of the languages that are covered include Python, Java, JavaScript, C++ and many more the pluggable components could be shipped as snap packages.
The umbrella project is it includes an extension for Google Chrome that raises a laptop's screen brightness when netflix.com goes fullscreen, there is also a component for the raspberrypi to remotely control its GPIO pins. The android app, when paired with the computer allows to move around the mouse cursor, change screen brightness and even lock the screen.
Omer Akram
Core Developer at Crossbar.io GmbH
I have been part of the Ubuntu community for more than 9 years, from the days of Ubuntu Netbook Edition to Unity to Phone and then to Snaps.
I am a Core Developer at Crossbar.io GmbH and before that I was a QA Engineer at Canonical.
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