
Word of the Run - 'Determined'

Word of the Run - 'Determined' The word of the run today is "Determined". What a powerful run this was as Robin was determined that her morning aches and pains were not going to keep her from achieving her goals. Powerful lesson in this run occurred at about the 3/4 mile mark where Robin discovered that her pain that almost kept her from running was gone. The lesson for me was that often times "The pain needs the run". You see Robin suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis. We are not sure if that was the cause of her morning pain this morning or yesterday's run or something else. But what we are sure of is that sometimes the pain needs the run.

The dictionary defines "determined" as "having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it." Robin made a solid decision and was determined that not even her aches and pains was going to stop her. It was that resolved that enabled her to run steady for 1.3 miles. This is the first time since Jr. High that she has run over 1 mile without walking.

She is a true inspiration.

What are you "DETERMINED" to do? What is standing in the way of you and your goals? Set your determination today to not let anything keep you from your dreams.

Running,word of the day,determined,determination,pain,running pain,resolved,goals,inspiring,rheumatoid arthritis,

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