
9 Enneagram Types Try To Move On

9 Enneagram Types Try To Move On Separation is hard. And unless you are a Type 4, we generally don't like thinking about it ahead of time 😂

It is valuable for each type to reckon with their coping mechanism towards death, whether grief is an inch away or a mile. I'm here if you need to talk about anything.


Type 1 - "Truth allows me to stay in control of negative feelings."
Type 1 may lean on religion or some other system of though in which bad experiences are recontextualized as in service of some greater "good." This can make 1's woody and procedural in times of sorrow as they try to quarantine their unconscious impulses.

Type 2 - Poor 2's. They take loss extremely hard. When they lose someone, they lose a special part of themselves as well, It's as if an entire "room" of their life is closed off and shuttered forever. The grief flows two ways: the first is a feeling of uselessness in that there is no longer a channel for the living person to provide anything of any use to the deceased, but also the living person can feel acutely "love-starved" due to the deceased person's absence. Nothing left to give, nothing left to receive.

Type 3- The pressure to keep up a winning image, even when there is no one left to see.

Type 4 - The 4 is special in their courage to KNOW their feelings. A lot of us other types try to outrun & avoid our feelings. But 4's are determined to acquaint themselves with grief before it happens aka "pre-grieving." However, pre-grieving comes with it's own pricetag.

Type 5 - To the Five, the best response to death is to abstract it away. Even making this video as a Type 5 myself, there is a need to blow apart the experience of death and see it from many angles, almost as a way of diluting my own internal experience of death..

Type 6: Logistics are an act of hope!

Type 7: LOL do type 7's have an attention span to scroll through this much text? If so, I posted an excellent analysis from a Type 7 on Reddit in the comments.

Type 8: Typically Type 8's have a desire to manage or facilitate the space of grief. This reinforces a self-image of being strong. If 8's can channel their powers into facilitating a space of vulnerability and catharsis (even for themselves), they are golden.

Type 9: The way that Type 4's "pre-grieve", 9s can cope with their fear of separation by "pre-separating." This looks like detaching self from others beforehand in a controlled manner, so that they are never surprised by someone ripping themselves away in the future. Pre-separating can also look like narcotizing the self with media and alcohol or a host of other distractions, so that the mind is numb to whatever inevitable blow.


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