
Day 3 of Force Fetch with 6-Month Old Bene

Day 3 of Force Fetch with 6-Month Old Bene I asked Scott to film Bene's entire force fetch session today. You can see that it only takes about 6 minutes. We are just continuing to build from the previous day's lesson. Yesterday, Bene was holding the dummy and just starting to move with it in her mouth without dropping it. So today, we solidified the idea that she should be able to heel, as well as come and deliver the dummy without dropping it. One thing I forgot to mention in the video is that Bene is letting me place the dummy in her mouth much easier each day. My general goal is to get dogs reaching for the dummy by the end of Week 1 of force fetch. But I do like to spend a few days just focusing on hold before I start to really encourage the dogs to reach for the dummy themselves. Tomorrow, we will focus on increasing the distance on the sit/stay/come drill and increase the distance that I ask Bene to heel around the house while holding the dummy. And then probably on Day 5, I will introduce pressure to encourage her to start grabbing the dummy for herself.

Deutsch Langhaar,Gun Dog Training,Coraschatten,

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