
Genetically Modified Skeptic (tm) Should Not Be Taken Seriously

Genetically Modified Skeptic (tm) Should Not Be Taken Seriously Looks like Drew made another oopsie (shocking). Whaddo You Meme gives him more correcting:  is one of the parts of his response. The other parts are linked in the comments.  As of now, Part 1 will be in the comments, but the following will soon be there...or you can subscribe to Whaddo You Meme now :p

As one commentator pointed out, he can't even separate philosophical terms such as moral ontology & moral epistemology, conceptual analysis of the Kalam, and knowing the difference between a gaps argument and a logical inference from an inductive argument in the fine tuning teleological argument.  And it's clear from his vid that he hasn't read a single thing on the ontological argument or much of any of the arguments for the existence of God -- just repeats what he hears from village-Atheists online and Anti-theists in general don't really address the academic philosophy literature to any great extent. They've hindered rather than advanced the philosophical debate, presenting a one-sided caricature of religion: Once you get skeptical of smooth-talking kids like Drew (he's old enough to have been married for several years but I call him a kid because he looks and sounds like one) who use big words and try to sound rational, their faulty reasoning and ultimately cheap rhetoric falls apart.  Genetically Cloned Skeptic (tm) has become a meme at this point.

I understand the new guard of YouTube Atheists are growing enough to be at the rate the old guard were a decade ago (doesn't look to be getting any bigger than that though; just the remaining village-Atheists who haven't grown out of their angry teenage apostate phase that have switched from the old guard who themselves mostly moved on to other things, and easily-led recovering fundagelical teenagers duped into thinking they're smart upon switching sides), but Drew wouldn't be at the subscriber base he is now or have the low-IQ sychophants who are dumb enough to take him seriously if not for getting his grubby fingers in a lot of pies; being the self-proclaimed president of Faithless (tm) Forums, collaborating with Cosmic Skeptic (tm), being in bed with Rationality (tm) Rules, partnering up with Telltale Atheist, joining the ex-Muslim anti-theist bunch (why would he care otherwise? he's a former fundagelical - actually still is in mentality - with little to no knowledge of Islam).  He's still an evangelist at heart, just for another cause -- an ultimately hopeless, fruitless one.

Well, my family got sick a week ago and what I was afraid was gonna happen, happened; I'm sick now and have been for days.  It always starts with a sore throat.  Then the sniffles comes...then coughing.  Those dipshits at the walk-in clinic said I had a viral infection and prescribed me medicine that's not working.  This is gonna ruin my trip to New York on Wednesday.  Tomorrow, I'm going back again and raise hell.  This is the third time I got sick and had to go there twice.  If they know a cold's coming (which I told them would happen), why not prescribe me a fucking anti-biotic?  This is so fucked up.

Genetically Modified Skeptic,Ontological Argument,YouTube Atheism,

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