
Historic Biblical Hebrew Awakening in Augusta Georgia! Preparing for the year 2020! Qam Yasharala!!!

Historic Biblical Hebrew Awakening in Augusta Georgia! Preparing for the year 2020! Qam Yasharala!!! Augusta Israelite Academy update information for Hebrews networking online for NEXT EXODUS Event:
Shalawam and Happy Sabbath day!
Watch the inspiring Hebrew Israelite video series on YouTube by Biblical Hebrew Awakening
"24/7 Biblical Hebrew Awakening/RAW TRUTH"
Solutions for our problems in the Hebrew Israelite Communities:
1) Return to The Bible
2) Re-establish The Hebrew Family with the Hebrew Man in charge!
3) Healthier (Scripture Based) Diets
4) Financial Education for our family and friends- Job stability through Self Employment!
And break the curses upon our people by obeying the Hebrew Laws of GOD YAHAWAH and His Commandments outlined in the book of Deuteronomy!
Qam Yasharala Hebrew Israelites!

Qam Yasharala Hebrew Israelites!

Hebrew Israelites: Year of Return (2020)! YAHAWAH is calling His Chosen People to RETURN to THE LORD YOUR GOD! Repent and be converted (Acts Chapter 3)!!!!

Watch Wonderful Biblical Studies featuring Homeschooling for Hebrews on the Channel "Augusta Hebrew Bible Academy"! Qam Yasharala Hebrew Israelites! 2 Esdras 6:9 "E"'s wicked and racist kingdom is going down! Shalawam brothers and sisters in Christ YAHAWASHI! Due to YouTube censorship, the end of the Hebrew Israelite Movement online will be official by January 2020! Reset all passwords, cellphones and change phone numbers! January 2020 will begin the process of The Remnant of YAHAWAH to officially prepare for The Next EXODUS out of the lands of our captivity and await the 2nd Coming of our Lord And Savior YAHAWASHI (Isaiah Chapter 13)! Qam Yasharala to The Chosen Elect Men!

Shalawam to all like-minded Hebrews!
Always remember the keys to our salvation revealed to us by Christ YAHAWASHI in the book of Matthew Chapter 24!!!!! Shalawam and Happy Sabbath Day!


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