Song Lyrics:
I tried my best at helping folks,
But I’ve run out of time.
My nice list hopes, gone up in smoke
As bells of judgement chime.
I see now that I’m doomed.
My gift-wrapped ship has sank.
So I shall resume my Christmas pranks!
I’ll trip up this dip, I’ll make this guy slide!
Don’t bother me, cause I’m fresh out of pride!
I’ll hand out free candy,
Bestow loads of cocoa.
You’ll wonder out load how could I stoop soooo loooooow!
It’s a simple fact, a secret I’ll spill.
If I can’t have Christmas, nobody will!
I’ll throw all my snowballs with impunity,
Advance avalanches on the community,
Revise advertisements,
And make folks obey them.
This season’s colors are mischief and mayhem,
Toboggans on noggins and butts fulla nuts,
Snowmen I stabbed in their tinselstring guts,
Displays in dismay and socks spouting trout!
If you don’t get it yet,
Then let me spell it out,
Being nice is a bore and naughty’s a thrill,
If I can’t have Christmas, nobody will!
Nobody will! Nobody will!
Watch Big City Greens on Disney Channel and in DisneyNOW!
The Green family is back for more fun in the Big City! Cricket, Tilly, Bill and Gramma continue to go on epic journeys through the city and into the hearts of their neighbors. Cricket earns a role in Big Coffee’s new TV commercial, Bill trades his pickup in for a cutting-edge electric car and Gramma convinces the neighbors she's a witch. There's no such thing as an ordinary day in Big City when you're with the Greens!
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