
Jack Kearney - Teagasc Glanbia Open Source Future Farm Participant

Jack Kearney - Teagasc Glanbia Open Source Future Farm Participant Jack Kearney is a participant of the Teagasc/Glanbia Open Source Future Farm Programme. He is farming in Rathcormac in Co. Cork in partnership with his parents Larry and Annette. They are farming 78 Ha of which 44 Ha are owned. The farm is 400 feet above sea level. The milking platform is 47 Ha. In 2019 they milked 140 cows and had 40 replacement units. The overall stocking rate is 2.3lu/Ha. Milking platform stocking rate is 3.2 Lu/Ha. The plan is to milk 150 cows and rear 35 heifers. The EBI of the herd is €156 and the heifers are €200. The calving interval is 376 days with a 91% six week calving rate. The cows will produce 500 kg MS/cow in 2019. The farm should grow 15 tons/Ha in 2019.
They have a 16 unit milking parlour and 236 cubicle. Hear Jacks story here

teagasc,glanbia,future farm programme,open source,jack kearney,

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