
My BuIIy Likes Me | my horrible life

My BuIIy Likes Me | my horrible life I absolutely hated Jonathan. He was one of those arrogant rich kids that got a 30,000 dollar car for their 16th birthday and didn’t respect anyone.

One day, I had forgotten to use a deodorant and he screamed “Oh, look everyone, Samantha is sweating like a pig, can someone get a towel?”

I was so embarrassed… because he was right. But he shouldn’t have told everyone. He took it even further when I practised for our school musical. While I sang my part, he grabbed another microphone and said “Samantha, stop! You voice makes my ears bleed.”

I wanted to strangle him, but gosh… he was also kinda cute and handsome. So maybe I even had a small crush on him. But of course, Jonathan didn’t know anything about it.

But then something crazy happened. A girl inside my school accused me of sleeping with her boyfriend, Pedro. But Pedri and I had been best friends since kindergarten. I loved him as a friend and nothing more.

But this girl didn’t believe me and had some serious anger issues. So one day, she and 1 of her stupid friends pulled me to the side of our gymnasium.
There one of them held me while the other one took my school stuff, ripped up my papers and poured a bottle of soda over it.

Months of schoolwork were ruined. But that wasn’t enough for them. They also wanted to physically beat me up. But right before the one girl punched me, someone screamed “stop!”

We all looked to the right and it was Jonathan.

He said “don’t touch her or I will beat the crap out of you.”
The girls let go of me and attempted to walk away but Jonathan said “no, you gonna stay here. If you don’t make up for the damage you’ve caused, then I’m gonna tell the principal what you’ve done.”

The girl said “no one is gonna believe you anyway” and turned around. But that’s when Jonathan grabbed her by her hair, pushed her to the ground and said “we gonna see what the police is gonna say."He used his feet to keep her on the ground, while calling the police. It took them 30 minutes to arrive and our principal was there too.

He decided to suspend the girl that tried to beat me up from our school.

And after all of them had left, I said to Jonathan “thank you for rescuing me.”
He responded “oh no worries, it was kinda fun.”

And I said “you know, as much as I hate you, I always thought you were kinda cute. So I forgive you for how you treated me before.”He laughed and said “Oh jesus… are you trying to flirt with me? You are terrible at it.”Oh my god, I blushed like crazy and felt like an idiot. But then he said “oh don’t worry, I’m just joking. And I have to admit that you are kinda cute too. But of course, not as cute as me.”

Well, I don’t know why, but after that incident I couldn’t stop thinking about Jonathan. So, I came up with a plan to spend more time with him. I said “Jonathan, I’m scared that this girl will wait for me outside school and try to hurt me.”

So Jonathan of course offered to accompany me on my way home. But I had thought even further. And when we arrived in front of my house, I asked “do you wanna watch a movie?”

He responded “eh… ok.”
And then we watched “Lala Land”. I was desperate to make out with him right then and there. But I controlled myself and waited because I didn’t want him to think I was easy to have.

And 4 dates later, we finally made out and now we are a super cute couple.


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