
Robot rule of thumb | Tané Hunter | Innovation Showcase 2019

Robot rule of thumb | Tané Hunter | Innovation Showcase 2019 Tané Hunter, Data Scientist and Co-founder of Future Crunch, explores the changing world of work and how technological disruption is redefining the skills that matter. Advancements in technology have provided a catalyst to redefine the needs of people in the workplace, and as a result, we see a move towards more flexibility and a greater desire for meaning and purpose in the next economy.

While these changes present challenges, they also offer an opportunity for the workforce of the future to find a sense of renewed freedom. The machines aren’t here to take our jobs - but they will change them. And that means that counter-intuitively, it’s the human skills that really count. Discover a better understanding of how to begin building a workplace that is prepared for automation, disruption and changing work patterns.

See more from the Innovation Showcase 2019:


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