
Sexual Socialism in Islam - Sex is a Need and It is Needed at Puberty

Sexual Socialism in Islam - Sex is a Need and It is Needed at Puberty Muslims in America are is some sort of delusion about ho wlong a human being can go without sex. The need for sex is greatest when you are young, and falls off sharply after 30. Delaying the marriage of young men, and women until their 30s in cruel, and unsual. The culture needs fundamnetal change, if not eradication.

Young Muslims should have marriage facilitated for them immediatley after they become biological adults, and singles shouls practice muttah until they find the right permanent match.

Islam acknowledges sex to be a need. Islam is rahma, and adl. Our pragmatism has made it into a manner of control, and the lives of young people into a hellscape. Mutah was practiced by Saiyidna Ali (as), and Abullah ibn Abbas.

Hazrat Umar (ra) made a huge msitake by trying to outlaw it.

Mutah,Hazrat Umar,Hazrat Abub Bakr,Sunni,Shia,Marriage,nikkah,Nikkah-ul-mutah,Iran,Haya,Prserving Haya,

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