
Squat vs Hinge - It may seem obvious to you but many beginner coaches miss the difference

Squat vs Hinge - It may seem obvious to you but many beginner coaches miss the difference We've all seen coaches with their clients and for some reason, they just aren't fixing that mistake which is glaringly obvious to us. I've seen this many times over when assessing students. The answer is probably two-fold it takes time to learn how to read and assess movement or on the other hand the coach doesn't care enough, maybe a little lazy too. It takes effort to fix technique, more than the average spectator would give us credit for and after back to back clients from 4 am - 12 pm sometimes there's an urge just to leave it, you can't be bothered saying another word. But great coaches have high standards and will never let poor technique pass.

I have previously discussed how hard the hinge can be to teach sometimes in the wall touch hip hinge video but sometimes coaches just miss it completely. You will see deadlifts that are squats and squats that start looking very similar to a deadlift. In this video, I chat about the differences and what you should be looking for.

Dave Stewart

The Trainer's Trainer

hip hinge exercise,squats,the trainers trainer,

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