Working on yourself requires you to invest your time and or resources. It could be by buying books, attending seminars, and hiring coaches, it’s up to you to maximize the value you are going to receive from that.
Here’s some tips to ensure you are maximizing your efforts!
Studies show note taking is a GAME CHANGER!!!
When learning new material:
If you just listen, in 4 weeks you will retain only 10% of the new info you learned.
If you listen AND take notes, in 4 weeks you will retain 40%, that’s 30% more info just by taking notes!
Now this is GOLD: if you sit up, take notes and engage, in 4 weeks you will retain 90% of the info you just learned!!!
Imagine all you can do, and how much you can improve when you start to retain all of that new info! Building one new note taker at a time! Let’s go!