
Tanya Lesson 6 - All Souls Come From the Same Source - Chapter 2 Part 2

Tanya Lesson 6 - All Souls Come From the Same Source - Chapter 2 Part 2 In our second lesson of Chapter 2 of the mystical Chassidic work of Tanya, the Alter Rebbe teaches us that all souls come from the same Source - the "Father's Mind".

How can it be that people are so different - some who are more intelligent than others, some who are more pious than others etc. when in fact ultimately all souls come from the very same Source?

The Alter Rebbe explains that just as a drop of seed from the father's brain includes within it the full potential of everything the child will become - so too do the souls originate in the seed of G-d's Mind (so to speak). Though the seed is just one drop, it includes within it all the information about the brain of the child - and even the toenails. (Note: The Torah speaks in the language of man. G-d is in no way physical. However, the metaphors used make use of language that we can understand in order to relate to G-d's attributes or features etc.)

Join us for another exciting lesson where you can see the original text and follow along with us!

For more information see:

"Lessons in Tanya" shown on the video shown with permission from Kehot Publication Society.

Torah,Judaism,Eliyahu Shear,Chessed Ve'Emet,Chessed VeEmet,Jewish,Tanya,Kabbalah,Mysticism,Kabbala,Holiness,Tzaddik,Rasha,Righteous,Evil,Soul,

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