
THE REVELATION- PART 5- BIBLICAL FEAST DAYS: WHY aren't we observing ALL of them?

THE REVELATION-  PART 5- BIBLICAL FEAST DAYS: WHY aren't we observing ALL of them? Today's video is asking the question, "WHY aren't the majority of Christians today observing the God ordained Feast days/Holy Days, as commanded/ORDAINED by God Himself in the Old Testament"?

You will be shown some scriptures which will make you ask the same question.

Just as specifically as The One True God of all Creation advised Moses (Mosaic Law) to tell His people -Israel - to follow these Feast Days/Holy Convocations He ORDAINED.... why are the only 2 that are being considered today are "Sabbath Day" and "Tithes"(which Tithes is NOT a 'feast day', but is part of the "MOSAIC LAW").

Where is the NEW TESTAMENT did Christ say in scripture, as specially as God said in the OLD TESTAMENT, that the GOD ORDAINED Feast Days/Holy Convocations have ALL been done away with - EXCEPT Sabbath Day? (and Tithing from Mosaic Law)?

We will examine this in today's video. Christ became the 'sacrifice', so that ASPECT of 'Mosaic law' ' WAS abolished' by Christ becoming the 'sacrificial lamb'.

Most Christians of today, have been "TOLD" by their church leaders (High Priests, Scribes, Pharisees), that the 'MOSAIC LAW' was ABOLISHED, when Christ brought forth the 'NEW COVENANT'.

It is time that you look this up yourself to decide if that is indeed the case?

You decide after seeing the scriptures brought forth and on your own, if that is in fact - THE TRUTH. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to YOU if what is presented today, truth OR not? This is HIGHLY encouraged!

Read the King James version from as old of a publishing date as you can find, and ask in prayer for the Holy Spirit to 'teach you' (NOT MAN). King James version is as close to the real Word translations as 'most' can find today.

Romans 6:16-18 King James Version (KJV)

16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

17 But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.

18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Acts 5:29 King James Version (KJV)

29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men

ALL Thanks and Glory go to Yeshua (Jesus) and The One True Father God Creator of the heavens and earth, for Guidance to bring this video message to you today.
All Praise, Honor, and Glory be His.

Christ,Bible,Scripture,Feast Days,Holy Days,Sabbath Day,Pentacost,Feast of Harvest,First Fruits,Feast of Trumpets,Feast of Tabernacles,Day of Atonement,Passover,Yeshua,Jesus,Holy,Lamb,Lion,Awaken,Sleep,Eigth Day,Last Days,Tribulation,Trial,End Times,Truth,Deception,Mosaic Law,New Convenant,Unleavened Bread,Leaven,Christian,Feast,

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