
UNDERWEAR the complete HEALTH guide for men and women by puneet biseria

UNDERWEAR the complete HEALTH guide for men and women by puneet biseria Hi I am Puneet Biseria, and in this video I will tell you about the BENEFITS and DISADVANTAGES of wearing underwear for men and women.
There are a lot of disadvantages of wearing underwear specially tight underwear. The biggest disadvantage of wearing underwear is that it affects the blood circulation adversely.
In this video I will tell you about the various harmful effects of wearing tight underwear. It is interesting to note that wearing tight underwear can cause ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION among men.
The second biggest disadvantage of wearing tight underwears is that it obstructs the air ventilation which increases the temperature of the scrotum. Wearing tight underwear is very harmful for sperm quality, sperm quantity and sperm motility.
Wearing tight underwear also lowers the sperm count and therefore Wearing tight underwear also causes infertility in men.
Wearing tight underwear also decreases your libido and if you keep on wearing the tight underwears it will also reduce your ability to reproduce
Not only tight underwear one should also avoid wearing tight jeans or skinny jeans because it also affects the reproductive health of the man.
Besides this one should avoid sitting for very long hours.
Why you should not keep laptop in your lap while operating them.
If you wear tight underwears it increases the temperature as well as the moisture which is very conducive for the bacterial growth which means frequent skin infections.
Now let me tell you why women should not wear underwear and what are the harmful effects of wearing underwear for women.
tight underwear increases friction of the skin and causes irritation. It creates a big problem for the men as well as women, especially during mensuation.
Second, women should not wear synthetic undergarments, because wearing tight underwear causes inferior ventilation, decreased circulation and increased moisture which causes frequent yeast or bacterial infections.
And therefore if women wear tight underwear this causes irregular mensuration cycle and/or leucorrhea.
Even if you consume antibiotics it will start the vicious cycle.
If you have a tendency to get yeast or bacterial infections, tight underwear and/or synthetic underwear will make things worse.
In this video I have explained in detail about all the do’s and don’ts of wearing underwear for men and women.
And MOST importantly, I have also explained in detail about when you should wear underwear and when you should not wear underwear.
I have also explained in detail about the things you should keep in your mind while washing underwear and how to treat it for the next use to avoid yeast infections and/or bacterial infections.
I have also explained in detail about the various diseases that can be caused by wearing underwear, especially tight underwear. Although there are a lot of adverse effects but the biggest harmful effect of wearing tight underwear is it causes piles
Watch the video thoroughly to know what type of underwear should you wear.
What type of clothes should be used in making and underwear?
What are the best brands of underwear available in the market?
What should you do to avoid the harmful effects of wearing underwears?
What things you should keep in your mind while selecting and underwear?
What type of soap you should use to wash your underwear?
And what are the general guidelines which should be followed while using an underwear.
How to choose the Best Underwear for Your Health?
What is the best type of underwear for men and women?
Not only this I will also tell you about the disadvantages of wearing underwear, and also the advantages of not wearing underwear. I will also tell you about the harmful effects of not wearing underwear for men and women.
In what way wearing underwear is harmful for men and women, And what should they do to avoid that?
What are the pros and cons of wearing underwear and What are the pros and cons of NOT wearing underwear?
AND what mistakes should be avoided while choosing an underwear.

Underwear by Puneet Biseria,How to choose the right underwear,Underwear the complete health guide for men and women by puneet biseria,Underwear by puneet biseria,अंडरवियर ना पहनने के फायदे,अंडरवियर पहनने के फायदे,

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