
Weather Update: More Rain & More Warmth & Humidity on the way

Weather Update: More Rain & More Warmth & Humidity on the way Temps are already starting to rise and will reach the 50s by late Monday morning, along with humidity levels as a low pressure tracking well to our west will bring in a Low Level Jet (LLJ) of very warm & humid air from the tropics. By the afternoon, rain will become more prevalent and a heavy, wind driven rain with very humid conditions will be with us for the evening. Winds could gust close to 50mph and there could be more coastal flooding on the south shore. 1 to 2 inches of rain is likely. Once the LLJ passes, the rains should taper off by Tuesday morning, but it will remain warm and humid with highs reaching 60 or greater, before a cold front moves through by early evening, and rain redevelops over our area. Once this front moves through it is possible that a wave along it may give us a period of light snow Wed morning, but I don't really see much beyond an inch accumulation, if that. After a very brief shot of arctic air on Thursday and sunshine, its back into the muck with another humid, warm soaker for Saturday.


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