

2020-RUN FOR CANCER CHILDREN | WORLD CANCER DAY Tj vision media - 9341997936

the Classic Road Runners Athletic club Bangalore will be continuing the tradition of hosting the 16" Annual Road race with Run/walk event for all ages people to mark World Cancer Day-4 February. Taking place under the theme of "I Am and I Will", World Cancer Day is an opportunity for every one to unite and rally under the one banner of cancer in a positive and inspiring way to take part in a mass gathering in the Cancer Run Event. "Run/Walk on February 9"2020 under the Banner of UICC -Union for International Cancer Control Geneva Switzerland Therefore, we are uniting our community people for this world Cancer Day run to raise funds for Children with Cancer. Through our club. The "RUN FOR CANCER CHILDREN "taking place on 9" February 2020 at Cubbon park near Karnataka Lawn Tennis Association club at 7.30 am to 9.30 am to celebraate The World Cancer Dây by supporting the KIDWAL Cancer Institute of Bangalore to provide the funds for treatment to children diagnosed Cancer. Last year we have the fund raising through registration fee’s from all participants is Rs.1.58 Lakh and the entire amount is donated to “KIDWAI” Cancer Institute of Oncology,Bangalore.

Hence, we are come forward to promote among our citizen of Bangalore to take part in the above fund-raising run. This event is an opportunity for leaders Business, organizations, schools, Individuals and Communities to show their support for a great cause. In this event 3000 participants are expected. All participants will be awarded T-Shirts, Medal & Certificate from UICC, Geneva, Switzerland. At this Juncture, we humbly request all Karnataka and National press to get involved. This media have an important role on World Cancer Day to help, inform, educate. Raise awareness and inspire conversation and action around Cancer. Let's use this opportunity to help spread the message



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