
Audacious Confidence Show with Alicia Couri - Having the Confidence to Close The Gender Wage Gap

Audacious Confidence Show with Alicia Couri - Having the Confidence to Close The Gender Wage Gap On this episode of the Audacious Confidence show with Alicia Couri, Her guest TedX speaker and Culture Catalyst, Carrie Moore discusses how the gender wage gap affects a woman's confidence and how we can begin to make empower women and companies to close the gap. Closing the wage gap will impact more than just that 1 woman, it will create a positive change with her family, children and co-workers. Thus creating a ripple effect of change. The opportunity to close that income disparity and reduce the rate of poverty single moms and her children are living in is one we should all take advantage of. Check out our full interview for Dreamaniac TV. #Wageequality #Closethegenderwagegap #Audaciousconfidence


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