
Be Careful in Thailand at THIS Place! | Chiang Mai, Thailand | VLOG 658

Be Careful in Thailand at THIS Place! | Chiang Mai, Thailand | VLOG 658 If you would like to help Support this channel in 2020

My Gear:
My Main Camera:
2nd Camera:
Old GoPro I still use sometimes:
Memory Card:
The Old but GREAT Computer: Drive:
My Travel Bag:
My Daypack:
My Must-Have Bracelet:
My Favorite Hat:
Sun Glasses:

And if you feel like buying me a simple coffee/ tea or other drink, it would be MUCH APPRECIATED :)

Would you like to learn how to Vlog?

Want a 1 on 1 Virtual session with me :) Link is Below :)

3 Steps:
1. Schedule a Free Time Slot
2. Pay $15 on PayPalme (in the link above) . . . .Make sure to add your 'Skype' or 'Zoom' Username with the payment
3. I will call you :)
4. And feel free to record, ask as many questions as you like, and know that your are helping contributing to the Channel! :)
5. And don't be nervous! haha We will have a great talk guaranteed!! :)

Contact me ANYTIME!!! I Love hearing from you all!
INSTAGRAM: LukeLifeCharms
SKYPE: Luke Lifecharms

2nd Book NOW AVAILABLE :) "23 Unspoken Life Lessons"

1st Book -"Just Press Record" (now available on amazon kindle and ebooks)

People keep asking me how I learned to vlog, and I learned from many different people, and because of you all I have written a book about it!!

It's everything I have learned in the last few years of vlogging! Enjoy it!!



Q & A Just few common questions I get asked a lot.

Whats your name? Luke Fitzgerald

Where do you live? France

How tall are you? 6 ft 8 or 2’02 for those of you all here overseas

Where do you work? I play Professional Basketball here in Europe

How many languages can you speak? French, English, Spanish (working on getting better at spanish) and a little German

What made you start Youtube? You all!! I wanted to find a way to express myself more and to share my world with you!

Any other questions you have, feel free to ask me :)

Are you still reading?? Seriously? Haha your awesome!! Thanks for taking the time to do that! :)

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